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Category Archives: Beauty

Say goodbye to acne problems acne herbs

Say goodbye to acne problems acne herbs

Acne herbs, a wide variety of vegetables and herbs are eaten as a medicinal food to maintain the health of the body quite well. And as well for girls Who want to have a healthy face Without blemishes and wrinkles, we have 6 herbs that are easy to

Let's eat food to create beautiful teeth

Let’s eat food to create beautiful teeth

Besides the face shape, another thing that shines alongside a colorful face is the teeth. Which if we have good dental health, it will make us look good as well, including personalization With probably no young face who wants to see the smile of the girls Comes out

Check to be sure Cosmetics before it is expired

Check to be sure Cosmetics before it is expired

Cosmetics  are substances that are use to add beauty to the human body. Nowadays, the use of cosmetics is widespread in both women and men, with the production of cosmetics in the early days there is still a uncertain production process. Some cosmetic are only sold in drugstores. Until when each

Tips to solve the problem of wrinkles by yourself

Tips to solve the problem of wrinkles by yourself

In addition to the beautiful world with our hands The face can also be beautiful with our hands as well. Do you know that the facial massage on the spot on a regular basis? It can help the problem of withered The face can sag as well. Which today